Capture Ninjafirewall log file events to trigger actions.

In this article, we create shutdown function in a Must-Use Plugin for WordPress that looks for new security events in the NinjaFirewall log file, then allows you to take any action you wish on those events.

How to improve WordPress user registration validation

Surprisingly little validation is done by WordPress on a new user account registration. This article provides several ideas to help you improve to this validation process. Hopefully this will reduce the number of junk registrations on your WordPress site.

Fix ModSecurity false positives on __cf_bm CloudFlare cookie

If your web site uses both ModSecurity and CloudFlare, and visitors to your web site are blocked intermittently, then the problem could be a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) protection rule in ModSecurity. This article will show you how to fix the problem.

Fix Elementor’s “Exit to Dashboard” button

This article will show you how to fix the behavior of the “Exit to Dashboard” button with just a few lines of code. Additional code examples will show you how to redirect the button to a list of posts, instead of the dashboard.